
School Site Council

The School Site Council is composed of equal numbers of staff and parent representatives who serve a two-year term. The council meets eight times a year to oversee the implementation of various programs in the school, including state and federally-funded programs. The School Site Council is a governing body that is responsible for deciding how to spend categorical money to improve the instructional program here at Muirlands. Each school in the district receives a different amount of money, based on enrollment. The School Site Council members work together, to set goals, for improving student achievement at the school and allocating the funds to accomplish those goals.

Agendas for meetings are posted in our office and on our website at least 72 hours prior to the meeting and we post the minutes on our website. All parents and members of the public are welcome to attend.

What is the School Site Council?
The School Site Council is a requirement of the federal government. The School Site Council responsibilities:

  • Establish the council and Bylaws.
  • Review assessment data.
  • Seek input from advisory groups.
  • Develop/Recommend the site plan.
  • Review/Modify the site plan annually.
  • Establish budgets associated with the plan.
  • Monitor progress of plan implementation.
  • Evaluate implementation of plan and resulting student achievement.
  • Review/Establish ELAC tasks if necessary.
Who is on the SSC?
  • 50% staff members-principal, a minimum of 3 teachers, and 1 other staff member (minimum of 5)
  • 50% parents/community members (minimum of 5)
How are members selected?
  • Teachers select teachers.
  • Parents select parents/community members.
  • Other school staff selects other school staff.

Click to view the SSC Bylaws.

Site Governance Team

The purpose of the Site Governance Team is to empower the staff, parents, and students to make long-range decisions and changes that will promote student academic, social, and physical growth. This is accomplished through shared decision-making. Shared decision making allows for flexibility and assures accountability. It fosters positive communication, collaboration and positive consensus. The goal of shared decision-making is to improve the quality of the learning experience and the learning outcomes of students, to improve the quality of education, to enhance working conditions of employees and improve communications and involvement of the parents and community.

The team includes parents, teachers and classified staff, and the principal. The agendas are available for public review and the meetings are open to the public.
Parents are welcome to call parent members with questions and concerns to be brought to the team.

Click to view the SGT Bylaws.

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